Today I'll post swatches and my thoughts about MAC Superglass lip glosses! I bought those two online (from, because they were never available in Polish MAC stores. (;_; ) I feel so sad when it happens (lol). Anyways! I got: MAC Superglass Cherry Electric & MAC Superglass Sugar Overload:
MAC Superglass Sugar Overload / MAC Superglass Cherry Electric
Those two glosses were a part of a limited Superglass collection and they are throughly reviewed and swatched here, by Temptalia. I ordered a neutral Sugar Overload and a cherry-red Cherry Electric. Those glosses are nice and sticky (I like sticky glosses, it means they stay on lips longer!) and have big holographic (lol?) pieces of stuff in it. (How articulate of me!) Anyway, the applicator is a rather long synthetic brush and a lot of gloss comes out. Here are more photos:
MAC Superglass Sugar Overload
MAC Superglass Cherry Electric
MAC Superglass Sugar Overload / MAC Superglass Cherry Electric (click to zoom in)
MAC Superglass Sugar Overload / MAC Superglass Cherry Electric
MAC Superglass Cherry Electric
MAC Superglass Sugar Overload / MAC Superglass Cherry Electric
Photo with flash! And you can see, the effect is nice and shiny. The glosses stay on lips quite long, but eventually they wear off, you are left with those big chunky pieces of stuff only on your lips! : / Which kinda sucks... but I guess if you look in the mirror from time to time and see if you need to wipe your lips or add more gloss, than it's alright... I was thinking I would like the Sugar Overload color better, but the big chunky pieces in a rather see through / neutral color look funky imo... The red one looks nice on its own or over a red/pink lipstick and I love how it makes the color more cherry-red. :)
Overall: Yeah, I like it! I like sticky sparkly gloss, I don't mind the high maintenance of this one (cause of the sparkly chunks) too much. Will I buy another one of those? Hmmmm, probably not. Will I use it and enjoy it till it runs out? Sure! :D So, if you want to try it, I hope my review helped. You can still get those from Glittery kisses! ;*
And also this thing:

I am participating in a contest to win a £500 shopping spree at NET-A-PORTER!
Click the link or the picture to go and participate in the contest too! :D
Also, as you can see, I put some Google ADs in my blog. How this works is, they try to put ads that match with the content of my blog here. If you see something you like and click on the ad (they all go to real pages ya'll), I will get a % of an EURO cent (lol, seriously). However, if many people click on the ads in my blog, I might even make a little bit of money from it. If noone clicks, nothing happens. Simple! You see, I am still wondering if I should keep the ads or not. Pros are I might make some cash doing nothing and spreading relevant ads. Cons, they might look not cool on my blog, readers might think I suck and never click on them anyway... XD Well. If you have an opinion about google ads in my blog, let me know! Leave or remove? Just thought I'd talk about this a little bit, so you don't feel like I'm all evil and "yeah I will secretly make millions, buahaha", cause it's just not the way this works. XDDD That is all. Take care and have a wonderful day~ v(^_^*)v